Forest Inventory: Application of Horvitz-Thompson estimators in a two-stage sample

The application of statistical survey sampling techniques to the assessment of forest resources (aka forest inventory) has been elemental to improvements in forest management practices across the globe. Sampling methods that can efficiently yield accurate and precise estimates are preferred by forest managers because collecting forest inventory data is difficult and expensive! Two-stage sampling is useful in forest inventory because it can improve efficiency by reducing the number of stands (primary sample units) that are visited and by using auxilliary information for selecting sampled stands.

Geospatial Analysis in R: getting started with the sf package

The sf package is the successor to the common suite of geospatial analysis packages for R: sp, rgdal, and rgeos. This is a good thing because sf provides a unified solution to most of the geospatial operations that are often used within R. The way you interact with spatial data in the sf universe is more intuitive than in the past because the structure of the sf class in R is very simple relative to the sp class.